email: Why I advocate One World Government

I was recently asked why I advocate One World Government. Here was a brief email I wrote to the questioner:

Mostly because I am an optimist. A lot of people argue that OWG would oppress, strip of rights, enslave, etc. Kill competition. Destroy everything good and sacred and holy in the world.

While there are definitely oppressive overtones to the whole concept, and there are good reasons to be afraid of that, there are several long-term things that I consider when I advocate for it.

1. Species direction
Right now, the "Rat race" is about the best nation, control of resources, wars famines disease spreading because there is no coordinated, worldwide effort. There is some, but it is all by voluntary membership in over-bloated beauracricies (spelling, wow i can't spell today) that are corrupt and ill-monitored. A unified world government would be able to allocate resources in a better manner. There is enough food to feed everyone on the planet right now; the problem is distribution.

2. Interstellar travel
You will be able to go along with the concept that we need to get to the stars, from what I have read of your postings in the forum. So skipping that argument, one of the biggest hurdles is being able to get a significant enough population from our planet to another planet. That will require dedicated resources and long-term planning that a world government could provide, plus, on the darker side of it, it would provide a society in which people grew up pre-conditioned to follow orders blindly and be "a number" in the system.
This will be essential for moving quantities of population through space in the time frame we would be looking at (years). Imagine a bunch of rugged individualists going for decades through space and keeping things in good order? Nope. What you need more than that is "insect" type mentality, with the passengers and crew under strict surveillance and direction in order to conserve the absolutely limited resources available aboard a flight of that length.

3. Normalizing technology and information transfer
This kind of goes to the crux of it, which the first 2 items will be derived from. The ability to access all the information needed to further our race as a whole. Universal ID, genetic tracking, analysis of DNA types in order to place individuals in better job fields or catch people who might have talents and cultivate them to the betterment of themselves and society.


Exodio said...

Here is the original questioner's response:

I am not in total disagreement with you on some things; I did check out your blog but didn't get very far in it. You have interesting stuff so far. Do you have a better format you could email me?

Hope you donĂ¢€™t mind, I'll take it quote by quote. This should be an interesting chat!

"Mostly because I am an optimist. A lot of people argue that OWG would oppress, strip of rights, enslave, etc. Kill competition. Destroy everything good and sacred and holy in the world."

I am more a pessimist so I suppose this is why I am on the other side of the fence from you on a lot of things. I believe that it has been the job, if not perceived duty of all governments to morph into oppressive regimes. They seem to do so, on a regular basis. I have seen stats (yes I know stats suck) that close to 43 million people died in the 19th century alone, directly caused by government. I think there would easily be ways to show that number is well above that. As for stripping rights, they all do that too. Then, there is of course, the semantic argument of what a right actually is, and who endowed them; more so with myself, as I have no reason to believe there was ever a divine creator of any sort and to be claim privilege because of a "God" is completely against what I believe. As far as enslavement, there is no person on this earth that is not under compulsion to provide, if not monetary or material wealth, paperwork begging to be released from obligation of taxes to their respective governments. We are all already enslaved in my opinion. Enslavement brings the death of competition, as I think would be evident in the way people live today. There is not much I think of as sacred or holy, but there is a lot of repressed good in this world and I think all government suppresses it to exploit its own power; specifically in the form of making others reliant on it. I think you know where I would take that in an OWG situation.

"1. Species direction
Right now, the Rat race is about the best nation, control of resources, wars famines disease spreading because there is no coordinated, worldwide effort. There is some, but it is all by voluntary membership in over-bloated beauracricies (spelling, wow i can''t spell today) that are corrupt and ill-monitored. A unified world government would be able to allocate resources in a better manner. There is enough food to feed everyone on the planet right now; the problem is distribution."

The largest problem I see here is incentive. What incentive does a man have to create a product, provide a service, grow a crop, do better than the man standing next to him, or to put it in the usual context, where does a man find his motivation in socialism. If a man is not born (some say taught) with a purely altruistic motive built in to his mind to do good, the most good for the "hive", why would he? Why does the man in Iowa grow corn for the man in Congo, without incentive to make his life better? I can go along with the basic foundation of all standards of living on the planet increases therefore there is more people to "buy" his crop theory. Can even go along with the higher standard of living world wide naturally, through lack of motivation for war, corruption, etc..., causes a global rise in the standard of living. The largest problem is, to quote my favorite author, I believe all men are created unequal. The man that takes the food in the Congo is not going to provide something of equal worth to the man growing corn in Iowa, when there is not a reason for him to do so. The exact same can be said if the situations were reversed.

"2. Interstellar travel
You will be able to go along with the concept that we need to get to the stars, from what I have read of your postings in the forum. So skipping that argument, one of the biggest hurdles is being able to get a significant enough population from our planet to another planet. That will require dedicated resources and long-term planning that a world government could provide, plus, on the darker side of it, it would provide a society in which people grew up pre-conditioned to follow orders blindly and be number in the system.
This will be essential for moving quantities of population through space in the time frame we would be looking at (years). Imagine a bunch of rugged individualists going for decades through space and keeping things in good order? Nope. What you need more than that is insect type mentality, with the passengers and crew under strict surveillance and direction in order to conserve the absolutely limited resources available aboard a flight of that length."

This is my dream, and I would leave on the ship tomorrow without a look back. You seem to think that private enterprise could not find this solution. I think you are wrong on this point for a couple of reasons. First, we don't have to leave the solar system to find a suitable location for colonization. There is significant research into the ability of a sustainable colony being able to solely function on Mars. Google the "Mars direct" plan, Robert Zurbrin, wrote the book called "The case for Mars" and laid out definitive plans for colonization including terra-forming. This, in my opinion must be the first step. I will give you that there is so much money, time , and resources being expended on the governments today that the monetary feasibility of the project, as a private affair, is nil at this point in history and that OWG or a collusion of rivals is the only answer at this time.

If we go to Mars first the materials, wealth, population, and motivation for the next hop (probably a Jovian moon) would be more easily feasible. It also takes out the argument you made for decades (centuries) on a ship to get to Fomalhaut or the next solar system to be found to have planets. Also, If we can decrease the population pressure here on this planet, give people incentive (and time) to research and developed new means of propulsion, the time frames in this solar system are extended therefore the need for the "hive" mentality decrease.

I would also like to take two quotes you have made so far in this conversation to show you why I, and others, are against your OWG, and against the right of you or anyone else to make it a reality.
"I am an optimist. A lot of people argue that OWG would oppress, strip of rights, enslave"
"on the darker side of it, it would provide a society in which people grew up pre-conditioned to follow orders blindly"

In this 2nd statement you seem to admit you know that the things in the 1st statement will come to pass. I value freedom as much as the stars. What good is it to get to the stars if you die living to provide only for someone else.

"3. Normalizing technology and information transfer
This kind of goes to the crux of it, which the first 2 items will be derived from. The ability to access all the information needed to further our race as a whole. Universal ID, genetic tracking, analysis of DNA types in order to place individuals in better job fields or catch people who might have talents and cultivate them to the betterment of themselves and society."

I think a lot of what I said already pertains to this. I have mixed feelings about this one. It is hard to reconcile my want and urge (need?) for information to be in the hands of those that can use it best to further themselves and the human race. There is the proverbial "slippery slope" with the DNA and genetic tracking, as most people can see it as being used against them as much as for them. It seems to me a dream world to assume that you can find a benevolent enough dictator, or governing body, that this will not be misused. I think time will tell on that.

My conclusion:
To bring it all to a close, I do believe this world will end up with an OWG. I have no doubt in my mind that it could end up any other way than eventual destruction. I also believe that it is the current governments that will be the catalyst for that destruction, if and when, it comes. That is the main reason I am against the OWG. I don't believe they interest will be to make the lives better of humanity, it will be in the interest of making the lives better for those that run it. It is the way it has been for every government that has existed, and the way it will be for those that come to be.

There is only one possible way that OWG, or better yet, OSG (S = Species) could be made to work. Extremely extend the lives of all of those in the species. If humans were able to extend our lives to "immortal" or even to 5000 year life spans, the human mind would evolve to not concern itself with the miniscule amount of government it would take to rule. This also brings more into play in the need for extensive space travel and the ability for our species to have the room to grow exponentially. Or maybe not. If we all live forever would we need to still reproduce? Would an OSG ever work at all due to the time frames needed to provide edicts from "home world" to the rest of the species, especially when you bring in the speed of light information speed limit?

Is the speed of light the OTSL (One True Speed Limit)?

We have a long way as a species to go before we will ever know.

zuveena said...

It's a noble of you to be involve and be involve in the government.I wish I could do the same as well, and take some responsibility in creating one world

Exodio said...

You can. All you have to do is talk about it. The greatest things in the world have started as ideas that are talked about. Good luck to you!