We the People ARE the world

We the People ARE the world. That is what one-world is all about. It isn't about the corporations, or the politicians, or any of the current institutions. It is about the People of the world rising up and saying "We are what is important". The world will never be ready for a one world government. The USA wasn't ready for a government. The ideas of a few men are what prevailed. A few men applying their influence for what they believed was in their benefit, and the benefit of the many.

You all want to talk about the sovereignty of the USA. And how we need to look after ourselves. And d%mn the rest of the world. But what you don't want to talk about or accept is that the rest of the world is out there, and we are part of it, and we are quickly becoming Just Another Country, not the global powerhouse we have been perceived as.

So now what? Continue with our blind arrogance and think we are better somehow? The working class is worldwide. Most people just want to go to work, make enough money to put a house over their heads, food on their table, and have a couple of brats running around. All over the world, not just here. They matter as much as any of us matter. They aren't terrorists, or commies, or any of the "Other" words used to separate and divide humanity based on the current political and social whims. They are people who do what we do here.

It is the tiny minority that hold true power in the world, and their power is supported by those who believe in their causes. It has always been this way, and it always will be this way. Most people are not leaders - the old saying about Chiefs and Indians has been the way of people since people were. So when we talk about one world, we are talking about an idea like any other idea out there. Most ideas are nationalist, these days. There are some supranationalists, and their number is growing. And yet in every country there will still be those who cling to the artificial ideas of separation as a species into our little tribes and cliques.

The USA isn't ready for our government. No country, no geographical area, no political division on any map is "ready" for their government. There will always be malcontents, and dissidents, and opposers. And yet we keep trying. Trying for a better future, a better life, a better way of doing things. We always will try, as a species, because that too is built into us.

Set aside your shackles, people of the world, and wake up to the reality that we are the power. Not the oilmen in Washington, not the mobsters in Moscow, not the dictators in two-bit countries worldwide. And so we need to embrace that, and become it, and build a better world for everyone, not just our little neck of the woods. Because if we don't, someone else will come eventually and kick us out of our little neck of the woods. Not in this generation, or the next, but soon. And it will be the world coming to do it to us, unless we jump on board and help become part of the global solution instead of a problem.

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