Interstellar Travel - Jobs - Medicine

The real question when considering medicine is not how many doctors should go, but rather, how much medical staff is required to obtain access to advanced medical procedures such as neurosurgery, limb replacement, and other such necessities? On a generational voyage, the degradation of the human "assets" must be kept to a minimum - meaning that a balance must be found between acceptable loss and possible recuperation. Obviously general medicine must be practiced, but at what point are humans going to be "allowed" to expire, where if they had been on Earth something could have been done to save them?

This ties directly into another subject, that of survival ethics in a closed society. Several themes must be explored - the ethics of euthanasia, the returns generated by expending valuable materials to save a person's life, when that person will not be contributing as much back to the society, and other tough questions that may arise regarding the survival of the many weighed against individual desires.

So the levels of medicine should be examined first, as to how many people are required to provide infrastructure at each level of medical proficiency.

General Practice
  • Family Practitioner
  • General Practitioner
  • Internist
  • Pediatrician
Secondary Care Specialties

Internal Medicine

  • Cardiology
  • Endocrinology
  • Gastroenterology
  • Hematology
  • Hepatology
  • Infectious Disease
  • Intensive Care
  • Nephrology
  • Nuclear Medicine
  • Oncology
  • Proctology
  • Pulmonology
  • Rheumatology
  • Urology
  • Nuclear Medicine

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