email - Zzzzz - Dec 10, 2007

Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2007 20:33:13 -0800 (PST)
From: Zzzzz
To: Exodio

I received this from Yyyyy. I will send this on to the rest of the family during the week. Is this what you really envision, Exodio?

Interesting yet quite scary YouTube presentation scenario sent to me by Yyyyy. I haven't checked urban legends or hoaxes and the way the clips are put together it could be yet another way to scare us, but then I think of what's happening in Myanmar....and it seems possible.

Xxxxx has been saying all along about the liberties we've given up in the wake of 9/11 and this seems to validate what he has said.

Watch it and draw your own conclusions....

YouTube Video - clip from Zeitgeist

Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2007 08:10:13
From: Exodio
To: Zzzzz

This is the stuff I read about on a daily basis. And from that, I come to the conclusion that yes, this is what is happening - whether people realize it or not. And, it is inevitable - technology progresses, society changes - this has been going on for centuries, not decades. You can find world government talk going back to the mid 1700s.

That being said, look at the US. We exist only because of a world empire that tried to control everything. We were just a colony of that empire, that because of the actions of the empire, we broke away from and gave rise to the greatest country the world has seen...yet. The next step in our race's history is to form a global network, to start monitoring our progress as individuals and as a race - and to do this requires technology in more and more aspects. We have already become a cybernetic culture - technology merged with biology, systems integrated more and more fully.

The internet is the nascent form of what I believe will be the first artificial intelligence. Call it Skynet (the Terminator) or the Matrix, or perhaps like in I, Robot - whatever form it will take, we are possibly helping to give birth to the first theoretically immortal intelligence this world has ever seen. And part of that is the synthesis with humanity. Will there be conflict? War? Servitude? Perhaps. Will it come unexpectedly? Yep. How does this have anything to do with One World Government and the NAU (North American Union)?

Simple - it is a symbiotic relationship. It is all connected. To truly form a culture that is capable of journeying to the stars, we must looks at ourselves more deeply and examine every aspect of our societies and how they interact with each other. And the only way to do that is through all of this technology. As a world union forms, and more come "into the fold", there is more likelihood of our little species getting off this rock and learning to spread beyond our world's shores - which is imperative to our survival as a species for the long term. I'm not talking decades or centuries, but millenia - and why should we care about that now? Because this is the groundwork. It is a work in progress, which we have been moving towards since we first picked up a tool and used it to help or hurt.

The human spirit is indomitable - there have been times when peoples have been oppressed, and enslaved, and always there is an uprising to free themselves of the shackles. Some people are pessimistic, that RFID and One World Government (OWG) will forever enslave. But from within that system, will come the key to our release also. That is always how it is. So do I think that the vision in that youtube video is how the future will look? Yes, I believe it will. But I also believe that through that journey, that zeitgeist, there will rise up again in the future a people who desire freedom, and will utilize the system that enslaves them to not overthrow, but gain control of. There are peaks and valleys in humanity's history - we might be on the slope of a valley right now. But in my mind, the end product is worth it.

A united world, with high technology, that can fully examine itself and see it's own history in black and white, instead of through the filters of writers in the future looking back. A world that understands how best to manipulate the environment, and resources, and people. A world that has been through dark times, and times of enlightenment. A world that can truly care for itself and also look outwards towards other planets, and stars.

Will the world in the coming decades be ruled by the intellectual elites and the world bankers? Perhaps. But it won't be all darkness and oppression. The average joe will continue to go through life, unquestioning and content. And those that care for the system will rise to power, and there will be abuses. Just like here in the good old USA. We think we are impervious to corruption, but our system has flaws. These flaws are evident in the current powers that have taken the helm of the ship. Do I think that these people have our best interests in mind? Nope. I think they look after themselves. But they are a useful tool for the OWGers and those behind the scenes.

So while personally, I don't really like the idea of being tagged and tracked, the coming generations will be born into a world where it is done, and will be OK with it in a way that we can never be. This is just a new technology, and like all new tech it will be abused at times and used for good at others. And, like David Rockefeller said, there WILL be world government, whether we want it or not. Wouldn't it be better to accept this, embrace it, and try to shape it in OUR image of what it can be, instead of meekly submitting to THEIR idea of it?

And that is really what it all comes down to. Open your eyes, open the eyes of the people you know, and show them that it isn't the end of the world, if the USA were to become part of the NAU. It is the beginning of the next stage. And we can help to make a difference, if we know what we are marching forward to. And it is our duty and privilege to be part of this, and impart our guiding hand onto our children, so that our ideas of what America is can be passed down through the generations. Maybe something we talk about today will be the rallying point of a generation centuries down the road, looking back to see the birth of their culture. Maybe that is just my natural hubris talking.

But regardless, what you have seen is the future, but remember that noone KNOWS how the future will unfold, they just have their plans. So when you forward this on to other people, you can either be negative about it, or you can look for the positive - and that will affect how our future history unfolds. The smallest thing can make a difference.

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