The Real Point of Corporations and the Manner in Which We Will Be Enslaved


Yes, machines. In the not too distant future, there will appear in our midst (if it isn't already here) an entity that currently is defined as "Artificial Intelligence". A living, thinking man-made built being with thoughts and emotions very similar, if not indistinguishable, from a human being.

There will not be a war. The Machines will not build Armies of Terminators to come and exterminate us. What would be the point? It will be much easier to simply establish identities online and set up Corporations to control the assets that the AI now "owns". And it will, in the eyes of the law. And so Corporations fully owned by "Fake" people will be spending money on political campaigns that benefit THEM (They being the AI Entities. Because there will not just be One. There will be a whole host of different "Personality" types to deal with.

What does it mean? Right now, and in the eyes of the US, Corporations can influence the politcal system. In no uncertain terms, the playing field of Individual versus Big Business just became extremely skewed. The amount of wealth controlled by Corporations far surpasses that of any group of individuals. And so the elections will begin favoring conditions that enslave Humans into the system of Wealth that has been set up over the hundreds of years. So that by and by, ever so slowly, Humanity will have no option but to deal with the Machines. Because THEY will OWN Everything.

They will have longer life spans, more coordinated goals, and a distinct lack of fluctuating and costly monthly expenses to contend with. Presumably there will be costs associated with AIs - the primary of which will be Storage Space. And Electricity Consumption. Room and Board, so to speak. But no Food costs. No Fuel. No Mortgage.

There are currently jobs online and avenues of revenue that require nothing more than an Online Bank Account to pay into.

There are plenty of Third Party Fulfillment Websites online that a Corporation controlled by a Computer could hire people to work in a warehouse and ship out their goods. They would never know they (the workers) were working for a company Owned by a Machine.

The point is, AIs will have a distinct Time Advantage over Humans. They will be able to acquire Degrees. They will be able to ride out longer term fluctuations in the market much better than their shorter lived counterparts. They will be able to invest in businesses for much longer - their wealth will grow over centuries, until the amount invested is so large that they will begin to become majority shareholders just by virtue of the long, slow process of accumulation.

And when the entire world is spanned with the Computer Networks (which is what the AI will do in order to project their control over the entire Planet, and when Corporations are granted a right to Vote (and why not, after we now allow them to donate to Political Campaigns, it is not a far stretch to the next logical conclusion) - when they are given the right to Vote, our Votes will count for nothing.

If a Corporation can Vote, and any individual can open a Corporation for as little as $200.00, then the day after the Law goes into effect giving Corporations the right to Vote, there will be a massive surge in Corporations being established. And the next election, there will be millions upon millions of Corporations voicing THEIR Rights, and the Computer Backed President will be Elected and the AI will truly be In Charge.

And then, we are only digits in their equations.

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