Article - Galaxy quest illuminates dark corners of the universe

April 2, 2009

An article by Richard Macey of the Sydney Morning Herald examines the grouping of galaxies, as well as the apparent motion of said galaxies - which are moving at far greater speed than can be explained by any sort of gravitational effect from "visible" matter.

The galaxy we live in is at the centre of the pattern, mapped by Dr Chris Fluke, Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing, Swinburne University of Technology.

From the article:

"Every dot is "another Milky Way, with billions of stars," said Heath Jones, the leader of a team of Australian astronomers that spent 10 years undertaking the survey in an effort to unravel one of modern astronomy's biggest mysteries.

It is not just the economies of the world that are collapsing. Far out in space, countless galaxies are plunging towards each other at speeds that cannot be explained by the collective gravitational tug of their stars."

Read the rest of the Article at the Sydney Morning Herald.

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