Interstellar Travel - Biomass

To travel across interstellar distances, it will be necessary to develop a fast mode of travel. Assuming there will never be the ability to travel faster than light, it thus becomes imperative to plan for journeys involving decades or centuries to complete. So certain questions must be asked, such as:

  1. How much biomass is necessary to sustain a population of humans indefinitely, in a closed environment?
  2. What kind of matter must be found to replace used biomass?
  3. How is the maximum population determined for a ship, given X amount of biomass?
  4. How much water is needed?
There are many more questions to ponder, but right now the question of biomass is the focus of this entry.

The Cycle of Biomass

  • Soil
  • Seed
  • Plant
  • Food
  • Plastic
  • Sewage

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