The End of Privacy

It's all around. Youtube, facebook, myspace. More and more, people put their personal and private lives up on the internet for anyone to see. Names, dates, locations, beliefs, thoughts, secrets, shames, prejudices, and so on. And this is OK now, where a generation or two before it was shameful to talk about a lot of the things people now post as everyday blogs. So where is this leading us?

Can it be that the airing of all of one's innermost thoughts is a benefit to society? Could it be that breaking down these walls and opening up is a way to combat racism, sexism, bigotry, and other exclusionary and "negative" tendencies of the human race? Because that is what truly opening up might lead to. Realizing that deep down, we are all the same, part of the same spaceship soaring through the dark of space. Living together in harmony and yada yada.

Probably not.

So how will this affect life aboard a spaceship, where you have a limited population and set schedules? It will probably show itself as society did in small towns, with similar circumstances - little contact with other areas, self sustained communities.

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