Interstellar Travel - First Spaceborn

On a generational ship, there are certain firsts that will be noted for the history books. First novel published, first born, first death. The spaceborn will be different - a totally unique manner of human being - the first born outside our solar system, possibly - if we don't establish stations out beyond the heliosheath in preparation of our outward voyage. But definitely, the first human born on a colonization attempt. Onboard, that will most likely accord the firstborn a special place in the social structure. Some will be hard on him, others will revere him. Some will hate him. Others, born after, might seek to supplant him.
It is a good possibility that special leadership status will be accorded him.
Should the firstborn be planned? It seems likely that there is a gap of time where procreation would not be feasible, during acceleration out of the solar system. But when the safe time is reached, and procreation is open, should others be forced to wait in favor of allowing a particular couple the honor or privilege of baring the first child?
And how should he be raised? Normal, as any other child, but there will be that gap between him and the Earthers. A generational gap unlike any encountered. The relationships will most likely develop almost completely normal - with ever the slight barrier between normal generations. But there will always be that intangible that sets apart the spaceborn from the Earthers. And this will be the first exposure to what shape the relationships will take. Care must be given, and consideration made as to the best ways to interact with the spaceborn. There will be resentment amongst them, some will feel betrayed and angry that this choice, to be doomed forever to live in a tin can, with the possibility of never seeing the destination, was thrust upon them before they were even conceived. Who gave the Earthers the right to bereave their get of a planet? This is not like leaving a native country, this would be the most profound change in paradigm a human could ever know. And so that gap between Earther and spaceborn will persist, and plans made to control a swelling of anger that might lead to mutiny and the possible destruction of the mission.
It is easy and safe to sit here and say that this would never happen, that people, humans, are better than that and would understand. And some would - some would be excited to be part of it. But like Cypher in the Matrix - knowing what you are giving up, and wanting to go back - that is the hard part. So stories must be told of Earth, full well knowing that the anger and resentment might swell at any time.
The firstborn would most likely, as stated above, be given special honor or privileges towards leadership. So it is imperative that much thought be given as to the possible paths the adult community should try to steer the first of the spaceborn into to help ensure the smoothest transition and integration of past and present inhabitants of the ship.

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